When’s the last time you were ill at ease? By that I mean annoyed, worried, irritated, or frustrated. Things not going right.
I write this after waking up to a few mental irritants in the midst of a stressful move.
What’s a person to do? Obviously our natural instinct is to problem-solve “out there”, rightly so. But sometimes it’s entirely an internal battle in which you can do little or nothing externally to solve it. In these instances, try deciding to be okay with not being okay. This is not passivity or fatalism. Fr. Jacques Phillips writes about “choosing what we did not choose” as an act of trust in Divine Providence. It’s an intelligent thing to do. Sometimes it’s the only thing you can do!
Speaking of being okay with not being okay, amidst moving our family I’m choosing to be okay with writing very little on Substack this week and next. I hope you won’t mind?